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Restaurant Accessibility

  • There is a route of travel to the main entrance that does not require the use of stairs
  • The route of travel is stable, firm and slip-resistant
  • The width of the entrance path is 71"
  • All objects protruding into the route of travel can be detected by a person with a visual disability using a cane
  • Ramps are non-slip concrete
  • The aisles between fixed seating are at least 36 inches wide
  • The spaces for wheelchair seating are distributed throughout the dining area
  • The tops of accessible tables or counters are between 28 and 34 inches high
  • At least one rest room is fully accessible

Website Accessibility

NINE-TEN Restaurant

Date: 1/4/2024

At NINE-TEN Restaurant we are committed to providing an excellent online experience for all our guests - including those with hearing, vision, and other disabilities.

To ensure this, NINE-TEN Restaurant strives to substantially conform with Level AA success criteria of the Website Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 . Our website is designed, developed, and maintained in accordance with these guidelines, including regular testing.

If you have any difficulty, questions, or would like to report any issues related to the accessibility of our website, please contact us at or 858-964-5400.

Subsequent reports were run on: 12/06/2023; 11/02/2023; 10/03/2023; 09/04/2023; 08/02/2023; 07/03/2023; 06/01/2023; 05/01/2023; 04/03/2023; 03/01/2023; 02/03/2023; 01/17/2023; 01/02/2023; 12/02/2022; 11/05/2022; 10/04/2022; 09/02/2022; 08/02/2022; 07/11/2022; 07/02/2022; 06/02/2022; 05/24/2022; 05/17/2022

Browser Help And Support

You can optimize the way you use your web browser. You can update the settings on your browser which may help you improve the readability and visibility of each page.

View the accessibility features of these major browsers with the following links:

Website Accessibility Features

The design of this website is done according to W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1, to provide accessibility to all users, and conform to priority checkpoints including, but not limited to:

Navigation Shortcuts

Use of the tab key to navigate through different elements of each page and use of the enter key on any highlighted link to activate it.

Structured Semantic Markup

The HTML headings indicate the structure of the document. The navigation menus are marked as HTML maps, which allows the menu title and menu items to be read as a group. For easy navigate, visit our Site Map at:

Images Visibility

All decorative graphics contain a “null” ALT attribute, whereas content images include a relevant descriptive ALT attribute.

Compliance With Standards

This site was designed in conformance with Level AA standards per the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. The pages render as validate XHTML 1.0 and have structured semantic markup.

Accessibility References

  • Web Accessibility Initiative (WA), standards and resources on web accessibility

  • Section 508, resources regarding Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act

Software And Services For Accessibility

The following free tools and services can be used to help view and interact with our website:

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